The Top Automation Tools for Web, Mobile and Desktop

January 3, 2023
Umbrellas hanging in the air shot from underneath. Forming a closed roof in the street. Every umbrella has different color from the rainbow colours and pastel red and two black.

Automating software testing is gaining traction in the industry due to its several advantages. In addition to saving time, automation also eliminates the possibility of human error. It is possible today to automate a wide range of test scripts using various tools. However, it is crucial to use the right testing tool to succeed with your testing efforts.

Please find the top automation tools below.


  • y: Supported
  • n: Not Supported
Tool iOS Android Web Desktop Windows Platform Independent Testspecification
TestComplete y y y y n Keyword driven
Kobiton y y n n n No code
Appium y y n y n Code
Appium Studio y y n y n Code
Robotium n y n n n Java Code Continuous Testing y y y n n No Code
askui y y y y y JavaScript-DSL
WinAppDriver n n n y n Code
Winium n n n y n Code
TestArchitect n n y y Partially Keyword driven
Ranorex y y y y Partially Codeless, code, keyword driven
Tricentis Tosca y y y y Partially Codeless
Microfocus UFT y y y y y Codeless
SikuliX y y y y y Code
Robot Framework y y y n n Keyword driven
Selenium n n y n n Code
Katalon Studio y y y y n Codeless
TestIM n n y n n Codeless or coded
Worksoft y y y y n Codeless
IBM Rational Functional Tester n n y n Partially Codeless or coded
Telerik Test Studio n n y y n Codeless or coded

Johannes Dienst
January 3, 2023
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